Random and interesting facts about cows

At first glance, cows might seem to be simple animals, but they’re not! Cows are fascinating animals. Here’s a list of interesting facts:
  • Cows are social animals, and they naturally form large herds. And like people, they will make friends and bond to some herd members, while avoiding others
  • Cows are red-green colorblind. In a bullfight, it is the waving of the cape that attracts the bull not the red color
  • A cow’s heart beats between 60 and 70 beats per minute
  • Cows can hear lower and higher frequencies better than humans.
  • An average dairy cow weighs about 545 kilograms
  • A cow's normal body temperature is 38.6°C
  • The average cow chews at least 50 times per minute
  • The typical cow stands up and sits down about 14 times a day
  • An average cow has more than 40,000 jaw movements in a day
  • Cows actually do not bite grass; instead they curl their tongue around it
  • Cows have almost total 360-degree panoramic vision
  • Cows have a single stomach, but four different digestive compartments
  • Cows are pregnant for 9 months just like people
  • A dairy cow can produce 56 kilograms of saliva a day
  • Cows spend 8 hours per day eating, 8 hours chewing her cud (regurgitated, partially digested food), and 8 hours sleeping
  • You can lead a cow upstairs, but not downstairs. Cows knees can’t bend properly to walk downstairs
  • Cows can’t vomit
  • The average cow drinks 115 to 190 liters of water each day
  • The average cow produces 30 liters of milk each day
  • Cows only have teeth on the bottom
  • Cows can smell something up to 9 kilometers away
  • A dairy cow creates 4 full time jobs in the local community
  • A Holstein’s spots are like a fingerprint. No two cows have exactly the same pattern of black and white spots
  • The average cow will eat about 45 kilograms of feed per day

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